
Want to make someone laugh today?

Send them a Fart 'n a Jar!

Step 1: Pick your fart

This is the triumphant fart noise that will play at the end of your Fart 'n a Jar e-card.

The Classic

Booty Burner


Step 2: Pick your journey

Every fart needs a story and this is where you get to create the backstory for your Fart 'n a Jar e-card.

Capturing the fart

Return to the Fart Factory

Finishing touches

Step 3: Send it!

Here's the Fart 'n a Jar e-card you'll be sending to one lucky person, take a look!


Send It!

You can include a little note (if you want) and who you want to send your Fart 'n a Jar to after you hit Send It!